GzCorporation - Feel the music!

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GzCorporation - Feel the music!

Nacida por y para DJs - Novedades, música, eventos y mucho más!

    [DBR018] Cristian Poow - Ioann EP


    Posts : 9

    [DBR018] Cristian Poow - Ioann EP Empty [DBR018] Cristian Poow - Ioann EP

    Mensaje por dbeatzion.rec Mar Ene 04, 2011 4:18 pm

    The pure feelings of love from Cristian Poow, captured entirely in this spectacular combination of progressive melodies.

    A piano and classical music strings fused in the breakdown of Ioann in order to generate the most beautiful ambience of the track.
    And the power of the chord-bass leading the strength to Always 17.

    Is just an advance of what is coming up during 2011.

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      Fecha y hora actual: Miér Sep 18, 2024 10:18 pm